
Frequently Asked Questions for the Dentist

A root canal infection can become serious and spread to other areas of the face and skull. It is not uncommon for teeth to die and get infected. Since the tooth is dead, blood can’t enter the tooth and bring protective immune cells to kill the infection, so the problem grows. In most cases the infection spreads to the surrounding bone. This causes increases the pressure and the tooth is pushed up out of its socket. The tooth feels high when biting.

The body attacks the root canal infection surrounding the tooth and the area around the tooth becomes inflamed. The inflammation leads to tooth pain. Antibiotics alone do not cure the problem. The dead nerve inside the tooth must be removed and the canals cleaned, otherwise the remaining dead tissue can feed infection. This is why many patients go to the dentist for an emergency appointment, get antibiotic and in a week feel great. Because they feel well, they don’t return. Three months later the problem returns and is much more serious and sometimes life threatening.

Sometimes the body and the root canal infection come to a stalemate and a dental abscess forms. This dental abscess can remain inside a patient’s jaw bone for years and constantly feed live and dead bacteria into this patient’s bloodstream. Keeping the dead tooth is not an option and taking herbs, vitamins, or even prescription antibiotics will not solve the problem. The correct treatment is to perform root canal therapy or a dental extraction.

The root canal infection must be treated with the correct antibiotics to kill the bacteria causing the dental infection. With the constant use of antibiotics over many years, super resistant bacteria have developed that can not be easily killed. This is especially why this problem should be treated soon and treated aggressively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dentist in Austin, TX

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